One AHA affiliate is urging members of their community to consider concrete solutions to climate change.
Author: admin
Humanists’ New Year’s Resolution to Mitigate Climate Change
Taking aggressive action to stand a chance at transitioning to a greener world.
Beyond Changing Light Bulbs: 22 Ways You Can Stop The Climate Crisis
We all make change in different ways, and we’re all needed to make all the changes we need.
There on Fridays: The Humanist Environmental Response Effort
Last Friday, a group of AHA board members and staffers took to the streets for climate action—with some celebrities of note. See who they marched with and why.
We Need More Climate Education
The more clearly people understand the science, the more they comprehend the threat to humanity.
Direct Action, Direct Results
As thousands of auto workers remain on strike across the country, and the student-led Climate Strike gets underway, we look at the effectiveness of direct action and the need to impact decision-makers.
Generous Donors Put AHA HERE for Climate
Ongoing project helps moves people toward effective climate action by emphasizing the actual possibilities for transformation.
It’s about Time Candidates Address the Climate Crisis
Upcoming forums will allow presidential candidates to speak about the biggest threat to our shared existence and one of the most important issues for younger voters.
Agency Rules Are Meant to Be Commented On
Public comments are a critical vehicle through which we can question the current executive branch’s dangerous execution of our laws.
Humanism 101 | Predicting the Future by Making It
We can never surrender to the forces of chaos and despair because it violates everything we humanists care about on this one precious planet and the one life we have.