Earlier this year, BP, the oil corporation powerhouse, announced their ambition for "net-zero" by 2050 within their company. Despite this intention being notable, many...
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How We Eat: Meat Shortages May Reshape Diets
Our reliance on & obsession with meat has bred farming operations detrimental to people and the environment.
Video: How to Build a Big Wind Farm with Eric Simons
Part of Central Colorado Humanists monthly Sunday Science series.
The Planet Can’t Heal if the People Are Sick
Whatever healing this has done for nature cannot matter if people aren’t healing alongside it.
Climate Change Brought us the Coronavirus, Climate Action Can Save Us
We must recognize our mistakes, repair past damages, and actively work to heal the world together.
Climate Strikes Go Virtual: Adapting to COVID-19, But Keeping The Fight Going Strong
Despite COVID-19 forcing people around the world to self-quarantine, climate activists aren’t letting this quell their efforts to advocate for exhaustive climate action.
One Climate, Many Voices: Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni
In a video for the 100 Percent Campaign, watch the Climate Justice Lecture Series speaker discuss how her work as a physician calls her to act on climate.
Oregon Executive Action—In the Face of Inaction
Action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all emissions sources
JPMorgan Chase Will No Longer Fund Drilling in the Arctic
Rainforest Action Network found that global banks put $1.9 trillion into fossil fuel companies and extraction attempts.
Orange Is the New Green
Trump Administration wants to roll back environmental regulations.